United States

Get to know your local go-to community expert...
Hi, I am Cathleen Foster, Membership Advisor at The Agent Circle and a Louisiana-licensed Real Estate Broker. My specialization is real estate agents; I love real estate agents and believe they are a valuable resource to our network, their community members, and their local areas. As their real estate concierge, I believe in providing services to enhance real estate relationships between agents and their clients/customers. I guess you can say, I am the agent to the agents.
The Agent Circle is a network of local real estate agents who are client-focused and community-minded and believe in growing their business through meaningful relationships.
Our members are top-notch trustworthy real estate professionals who take pride in providing client-tailored services to meet and exceed their client's needs. They are knowledgeable about the real estate industry, especially in their local communities.
Get to know your go-to community real estate agent as an advisor, resource, and community leader. They are truly an asset to the real estate industry and bring value to their communities.